The Cloister of Cosma and Damiano in the island of Giudecca
The cloister of Cosma and Damiano in the island of Giudecca
The former Convent of Saints Cosma and Damiano, in the island of Giudecca, is a vast area that the Municipality of Venice was granted in concession by the Civil Property in the mid-nineties.
With a radical restoration and renovation that lasted almost five years, 24 apartments for public residences, 12 artisan workshops, 4 large rooms of about 400 square meters with related office and service spaces were created.
In addition, the large fifteenth-century cloister and a garden of about 4000 square meters have been recovered for collective use.
In the same place, you can find the archive of the famous Italian composer Luigi Nono, hold by his wife, the lovely Nuria Schönberg and her daughter, Serena Nono.
This is a picture taken in the beautiful cloister with a Leica Q2 and 28mm Summilux, 1/640 sec;f/4,0;ISO 200