The Church of Santa Maria dei Derelitti or Ospedaletto - Venice
The Church of Santa Maria dei Derelitti or Ospedaletto in Venice
The church of Santa Maria dei Derelitti (waifs) or Ospedaletto in Venice, with its heavy elaborate façade, built with a generous bequest left by Bartolomeo Cargnoni (+ 1662), from a design by Baldassarre Longhena, who also rebuilt the interior (the same architect who designed the Basilica della Salute too).
The heavy sculptural decorations of the Telamoni and Virtues on the top of the façade are probably by Giusto Le Court and collaborators.
Nowadays, the church is often used for exhibitions of Biennale Art and Architecture.
Picture taken with Leica Q2 1/4000 sec; f/5,6; ISO 400