We live in the most beautiful red zone in the whole world
It seems to me like the cosmic universe had its own way to balance its laws and to force human beings to act in a more equilibrate way.
An empty San Marco’s square
Until one week ago we were all working fourteen hours per day, of course on Saturday and on Sunday too, following the crazy rush to make money, now instead we have a lot of time to spend at home. I am not sorry for that.
I like to spend my time with my 10 years old son. Schools are closed, so fortunately my son and I can share a lot of time learning together. Some days ago we started the construction of his dream house on the tree. Since then it become his favourite place for reading.
My son’s house on a tree
On Sunday morning, together with my friend Paolo, I rowed in an empty Grand Canal. No taxis nor private boats, no waves. Venetians are living as it was usual for them until 30 years ago, before they decided in a too easy and myopic way to make tourism the monoculture of the economic activities in town.
Rowing in an empty Grand Canal
Until the early 90s instead, a large part of hotels closed off season, gondoliers started to work at Easter and the same occurred for every other job related to tourism. So, of course, there were also other jobs in Venice, off the touristic season. The difference is that until 30 years ago 100.000 persons lived in Venice, nowadays instead there are no more tourist and almost no more venetians.
This morning the dustmen were working like every other day, but there was not so much to do…
Dustmen have not so much to do, during these days…
You can walk in Venice and stop in front of the major sites, always crowded by hundreds of people doing selfies without even understanding what a monument, a palace or a bridge is about.
This morning the Bridge of Sights was only for me, it never happened before. I could appreciate the harmony of the three bridges in a line, and the perspective of the leading lines of the Doge’s Palace on the left and of the prisons on the right.
An empty Bridge of Sights
The same was in San Marco’s square and under the arcades of the Doge’s Palace.
An empty Doge’s Palace
In a time in which there are no tourists, we miss even more the residents, kicked off Venice since years by their brothers venetians who preferred the monoculture of tourism, and turned every apartment, cave, or garret into a B&B.
Concerning the epidemic Covid 19 in Venice, so far 3 persons affected by Coronavirus died in town, all of them previously affected by other per-existing pathologies which caused their death.
I am sorry for those who died,
I am sorry for those who lost their job for the next weeks,
I am sorry for those who have to pay a rent up to € 5000, or € 10.000, or even € 15.000 (per month, not per year) for a 100-square-meter shop.
I am NOT sorry for all of those venetians who decided to kick residents off Venice because they inherited an apartment from their grandparents and turned it into thousands of B&B;
I am NOT sorry for those venetians who raised the prices of each square meter in Venice up to mind boggling numbers, that will probably no more be paid, causing the closure of craft activities like carpenters, blacksmiths, ceramists, but also bakers, butchers, vegetables shops and so on….
The most beautiful red zone in the world
And anyway, it’s a privilege to live in the most beautiful red zone in the whole world.
Marc De Tollenaere