Fonderia Artistica Valese
Andrea preparing a box filled with “French sand” in which the model is impressed and then removed before the casting
This is a fantastic place. Light comes strong and soft together from two big windows in front of the worker and everything around talks about the history of this 107 years-old foundry. In Venice the Fonderia Artistica Valese is very famous because a lot of doorknobs we can find on the main doors of the houses or palaces in Venice were made by them, and they also make the brass horses and the other ornaments in metal on the gondolas and on other typical boats too.
Above: Photo taken with Leica Cl with ELMARIT-TL 1:2.8/18 ASPH. 1/40 f/2.8, iso 200
Though it was an interior, I could use iso 200 because of this very good light coming from the window.
Carlo Semenzato pouring the brass inside the “books”
This picture above instead, was taken with a Leica Q2 Monochrom, 1/60 sec; f/6,3; ISO 6400.
In this case I had to use iso 6400 because I needed a good depth-of-field, and a faster shutter speed.